Sunday, May 31, 2015


     Here is the second picture in my 'History of Freindship' series. The word 'pals' can be traced back to the late 1600s. According to online dictionaries, it is a variation of continental Romany's 'phral', which basically means brother.

Brothers, of course, are family, and one thing that I think plays a very important role in most families is food. So, this week's illustration has to do with food. Bob and his llama are chilling in their garden, sharing a pear.  

Miss Ingerman,
the illustrator

Sunday, May 24, 2015


This illustration is the first in a new little series which I'm calling 'The History of Freindship.' We have a wonderful abundance of terms in the English language that describe friendship. Each picture in the series will be titled with one of these nifty words (or acronyms as the case may be), and I will try and tie the subject matter into the word origins. It's going to be a challenge, but a fun one.    

This weeks picture is titled 'chums', a word which, according to a few online dictionaries, originated sometime during the late 1600s. It's basically a shortened version of chamber mates and most likely got its start at Oxford university. In this illustration, Bob and his llama are, of course, chilling in the same room. Bob is cleaning a bridle and the llama is kushing on a soft persian rug.

Miss Ingerman,
the illustrator


Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Hammock

Hammocks can be tricky beasts but they are oh-so-comfortable. Somehow, Bob and his llama have both managed to settle into one and are relaxing their way through a hot afternoon. Bob has not spilled his glass of lemonade either. I think they are very talented.

A note on the shoes: As wild as they might look today, Bob's little espadrilles were actually a thing.

Miss Ingerman,
the illustrator

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Terribly Stylish

Sometimes a fashion trend comes along which takes the world by storm and makes everyone giggle at the same time. Now that I think about it, these usually involve some kind of over-the-top pants; bell bottoms, harem pants, and of course, Oxford bags. Bob and his llama have come across a pair of the latter while shopping. I don't think either of them are getting a pair anytime soon, but, of course, I could be wrong.  

You may notice that this painting is a little different than the previous ones. I wanted to solidify the style of the Bob and his llama paintings a little more, and decided to go with a 1930s Continental fashion illustration inspired style. It's new to me, but I think if fits these pictures well. I will keep practicing. Our Facebook page also has a new cover picture, which you can see below.

Happy Mother's Day,
Miss Ingerman,
the illustrator