Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's Cultural

            Hallo, bonjour, hola, hi there! Everybody's got their own way of saying hello and llamas are no exception. In this picture, Bob is preparing to tack up for a nice ride. He's wearing an alpaca sleeveless sweater, boots and jodhpurs. The llama has been spending his morning lounging in a cheerful wool blanket. His blanket is inspired by Sears & Roebucks "Zev" horse blanket catalogue copy (c.a. 1926): "The young fellows like a nice plaid blanket for their horse and we have not forgotten them this year."

          I debuted some new illustrations at a nifty little art fair hosted by Battery Street Jeans. (A great big thank you to everyone who made it happen, It was awesome!)
          Below is a picture of my table. I decided to put today's featured picture on my business cards because I was so pleased with how it turned out (and because it was small and I could fit more information next to it). I sold a few cards and greatly enjoyed seeing the public's varied and sometimes strong reactions to my pictures. Some people seemed disturbed by them (I really couldn't imagine why), some people were delighted and others even saw themselves or friends of theirs in Bob.

Overall, I would say the art fair was a great experience and I would definitely go again.

Miss Ingerman
the illustrator

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